Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Demolish your Obstacles...

Today I wanted to talk about obstacles.  First of all what is an obstacle?  Webster defines it as “something that impedes progress or achievement.”  Obstacles can come in many forms such as fear, embarrassment, lack of education, born on the wrong side of the tracks, lack of time, lack of energy and many other forms.  Many of us that are faced with these obstacles deem them as too hard to overcome so we stop striving for what we want to accomplish.  The problem is most of these obstacles aren’t real.  They are conceived in our minds as a hindrance to getting what we want to get.  Take fear for example.  What is fear?  Fear can manifest itself in many forms such as fear of failure, fear of embarrassment and even fear of success.  Unfortunately, many of these perceived fears stop us in our tracks.  The key to moving forward is we have to take on these obstacles one at a time.  Is it easy?  Not usually, but there is nothing sweeter than having overcome a roadblock on your highway to success.  A great way to tackle these obstacles is to ask yourself, “what is the worst thing that can happen if I confront what’s in my way?”  For most of us the worst case scenario isn’t usually that bad.  Even if your goal seems too hard to reach it’s always easier to achieve if we break our plan down into smaller steps.

For example, if you decide you want to become debt free it just doesn’t happen over night, unless you win the lottery of course but for most of us that’s not going to happen.  Write down the steps you need to take to reach this goal.  Maybe you contact a financial professional to help you get started.  But first you must overcome your fear of embarrassment or your fear of being judged and make the call and so on.  One step at a time will get you to your goal and you will blow through those obstacles quicker than you can imagine.  Are you ready to take that first step?  It makes cents to me.

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